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PACT publishes county resource directories on an annual basis for parent use for those counties in which we provide services. The resource directories contain information on social service agencies that provide services to families. While we endeavor to keep these updated, the information changes quickly. If you become aware of outdated information, please click here to use this form to notify the webmaster. If you need assistance in contacting an agency for help or you need help and cannot locate an agency with appropriate services, please contact your Family Advocate or Home Visitor.
Directories by County
We believe that parent’s are their child’s first and most important teacher and by working together we can further the vision and intent of the agency’s mission.
PACT encourages family involvement at all levels of the program. Volunteer opportunities include:
PACT 0322 Parent 15.mp4 from Rethink Media Group on Vimeo.
We have an open door policy and families are welcome to observe or volunteer in classrooms or socialization at any time.
Policy Council is a group of current and former parents and community representatives who are in leadership roles to work towards positive change for families. The 32 members of this group consist of current and former Head Start parents, Early Head Start parents, and community representatives that share in a common goal, “to benefit the children”. Policy Council works together, learning about leadership, building on foundations and dreams, all the while making a difference through parent and community involvement.
Policy Council, through shared decision making with the Governing Board, learns about program planning, setting goals, personnel decisions, and budgets. They learn about parliamentary procedure, Head Start Performance Standards, program Self-Assessment, and have the opportunity to attend National and Regional conferences.
Becoming a member of the Policy Council is a commitment, a chance for personal growth, and an opportunity to serve others. It is a win, win situation for everyone.
If you would be interested in serving on the Policy Council for PACT, talk with your Family Advocate, Teacher, Site Supervisor, or you can call Millie Young at 217-773-3903.
PACT’s Strategic Planning Process for our new plan began in Summer 2022, with a dedicated group of staff, representing agency-wide positions. This group put forward new goals and objectives for Policy Council and Board approval early in 2023. Work on the goals (by committees) will be reviewed by the Steering Committee quarterly and reported annually.
Strategic Plan Narrative – 2022
Strategic Plan Goals, Objectives, Gaps, and Action Steps – updated October 2023